Over the last two years, the Christchurch Connected Educator's group has encouraged, cajoled and begged educators to share their classroom stories on our blog. These have been amazing insights into teachers' classrooms and we feel very privileged that you all took the time to share your experiences. Our 31 Days of Blogging also coincided with Connected Educator Month and the ULearn conference. And once more,we will be doing it all again for the month of October.
However, this year we have decided to focus on the ULearn themes -Connect, Collaborate Innovate.
In doing so we think this will give our contributors a bit more freedom to share their own ideas, share a great digital (or analogue) tool they have used, re-post a previous post, share a blog post that has inspired them or have connected with, share the innovation at their school, something cool from the Twittersphere...
Got something to share -Don't be shy - we would love to hear from you. So email us at chchednet@gmail.com
As part of "Getting Connected" each day we will promote one post from the Connected Educator
Starter Kete. There are some fantastic resources to share with colleagues to start getting connectedso check them out at the CENZ16 Starter Kit HERE and follow them on Twitter #CENZ16
Day 1 - Connected educators - and your personal learning network (PLN)
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