Thursday, 15 January 2015

Summer Reading Recommendations

We are smack in the middle of an amazing kiwi summer and that means lots of time to read, read, READ!

Which books have you loved? Share your favourites here on these padlets. The first is for fiction; everything from amazing picture books to those Man Booker prize winners you've been meaning to catch up on.

The second padlet is for professional reads. What inspiring professional reading have you done these holidays? Perhaps you could briefly share one or two of the ideas that challenged or encouraged you? If you've discovered an inspiring educator blog that you're feeling challenged by, this would be a great place to share that too.

Like anything that is crowdsourced, this relies on your participation so jump right on in.....we'd love to hear from educators outside Canterbury too.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Happy New Year! Bring on 2015!

The holidays are over, well almost. However, I am sure that many teachers have spent some time thinking about their plans for 2015 during the holidays. All those ideas we pop away to revisit "when we have time". 

Have you looked at the trends suggested for 2014. That might be a good place to start.     CORE Ten Trends for 2014

What's happening on Twitter?

Or have a look at some of the blog posts from teachers on this blog or other blogs for some inspiration.  Here is a one teacher's ideas on thinking about 2015... 

MORE or LESS in 2015

Sometime in December, I came across a tweet that has been at the forefront of my mind ever since.(Sadly, after a significant amount of time searching for this gem, I am unable to find it despite the fact that I am sure I must have favourited it....hmmmmmpf.)

Anyway, the tweet was two simple yet provocative questions.

What will you do more of in your classroom in 2015? 
What will you do less of or throw out entirely?

Or words to that effect........

Here is where I am currently at with these questions. This list will undoubtedly change, and so it should, as I get to know my learners. Read more...

So what do you have planned in 2015?